That’s a wrap!
The Hangouts with our BEF Fellows are officially over. Last July, the Hangout session 3 was used to talk about the initial batch project ideas of our fellows. Here, our Executive Director Jap Ignacio answered the fellows’ concerns about their incoming batch project implementation. The Babaylanes staff also discussed guidelines and templates necessary for the initial requirements of the batch projects.
For Hangout session 4, Senator Risa Hontiveros shared her experiences in lobbying for the SOGIE Equality Bill in the Senate. After that, a question and answer portion was done with the fellows who enthusiastically asked the senator about lobbying strategies, mental health care tips, and navigating Congress as an admin opposition senator.
The final Hangout session concluded the BEF curriculum’s discussion phase. Now, the fellows only need to start and implement their batch projects to be eligible for graduation.