Ongoing Projects
Network Building
SARI Network
Since its inception, Babaylanes has helped in establishing LGBTQI student organizations all over the country. This has been the organization’s original mandate which was to replicate the “Babaylan experience” — alluding to our student organizing root through the pioneering LGBTQI student organization, UP Babaylan. Babaylanes then facilitates a safe and learning environment through the annual LGBTQI Student Network Conference wherein emerging student organizations gather to consolidate action plans for the year.
Community Organizing
Free to Be Me
Babaylanes, Inc. is currently conducting a program funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the ‘Power of Voices’ subsidy framework to strengthen civil society entitled, “Free to be Me”. This is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at fostering a network of confident and diverse LGBTIQ+ organizations and advocates committed to championing their human and socio-economic rights. Operating across 14 nations spanning Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, we offer vital support to empower LGBTIQ+ individuals in asserting their rights and driving transformative change at the grassroots, national, and international levels.
Community Organizing
Building Rainbow Communities
Building Rainbow Communities is a three-year project with Voice Philippines. It was conceptualized out of a series of Focus Group Discussions which surfaced the disparity in the level of engagements between provincial organizations and those based in urban metropolitan areas. Babaylanes then comes in as brokers — facilitators of information, resources, opportunities, and even social relations.
Empowered Movements for Rights and Gender Equality (EMERGE) is a project supported by The Asia Foundation (TAF). It is a project led by a consortium of other LGBTQI civil society organizations—all seeking to build momentum for national policy changes that promote an end to violence, discrimination, and abuse of LGBTQI persons.
SOGIESC and Human Rights Education
The advocacy and campaigns of Babaylanes has always been rooted on the ideas of SOGIESC Equality and Social Justice. Consequently, the organization consistently educate everyone on SOGIESC and Human Rights. This is done by providing expertise through our pool of experts and by developing modules and researches.
(IM)PART Country Implementation
(IM)PART: Advocating for LGBTQI Social and Economic Inclusion is a project by APCOM supported by Voice. The project is built on the achievements, experiences, reflections and lessons learned during the implementation of Finance Inc. It aims to consolidate and expand on the achievements of, and integrate lessons and reflections from implementation of Finance Inc.